At the beginning, a group of girls passionate about documentary cinema and the desire to show reality, in all its dimensions.
The association “Les Impatientes” was created in 2008, on the initiative of a handful of Master’s students in
“Cinema – direction and creation” from the University of Paris 8 – Vincennes St Denis. In search of outlets for their creations, they see in the association a structure allowing them to develop their projects. Encouraged by a teacher, they embarked on the adventure.
That’s how it all started. Flavia, founder of “Les Impatientes”, and one of her college friends started from the idea of producing their own films. The creation of the association takes longer than expected. Indeed, they reflect for one year on its structure and write an elaborated internal regulations.
At the same time, Flavia met professionals from the documentary world, who encouraged her to present young creations : this is how the first edition of the International Student Documentary Festival, now Emerging (FIDÉ), was organized.