Production management and general coordination
Rosalie Lust, Marina Mazzotti, Flávia Tavares
Production Assistants
Renata Pires, Eustácia Soares
Production Assistant, Pocket FIDÉ
Antoine Aurèle Cohen-Perrot
Babette Dieu, Marine Gautier, Raphaëlle Irace, Rosalie Lust, Marina Mazzotti, Renata Pires, Flávia Tavares
With the participation of
Antoine Aurèle Cohen, Ninah Braga, Francesca Consonni, Marion Durand, Aurore De Leeuw, Paul Facomprez, Camille François, Christiane Geoffroy, Laurent Lafuma, Salomé Laloux-Bard, Joris Le Guidart, Alexis Léon, Claire Lim, Sylvain Maino, Monise Nicodémos, Ilaria Pastrolin
2020 Programming Workshop’s Participants
Lola Arrouasse, Garance Aubouin, Ninah Braga, Francesca Consonni, Camille Duranton, Laura Ferrini, Matelda Ferrini, Oriane Gumuschian, Alexis Léon, Claire Lim, Angèle Meschin, Lucie Moïse, Maud Reymond, Ethel Sab, Eustacia Soares
2020 Programming Workshop’s Supervisors
Antoine-Aurèle Cohen-Perrot, Rosalie Lust, Marina Mazzotti
Social networks
Babette Dieu, Renata Pires
Graphic design
Flávia Tavares, Joana Velozo
Babette Dieu, Tom Brauner
Renata Pires
Flávia Tavares
Coordination of critics
Eustácia Soares
FIDÉ photos (catalogue, website and social networks)
Renata Pires
Thank you to all the volunteers and to all the others without whom none of this would have been possible. ♥
To participate in the festival or for any other question, contact us :