Patron’s Awards

Patron’s award

Le FIDÉ remains a non-competitive festival, so that each film can be appreciated in its singularity. But as a springboard for professional life, since 2014, the Festival invites producers and other film professionals to sponsor a director of the selection.

A dialogue between the patron and the chosen filmmaker starts, and may lead to future collaborations (both on short and long term) and various support : reading new projects, accompaniments, residence of realization , screening of his/her film, financial aid, presentation to other professionals, etc … A special session at the end of the festival has been dedicated to patrons who have presented their choice to the public.


Awards 2020

Addoc – Association des Cinéastes Documentaristes : Clean with me (After Dark), Gabrielle Stemmer

Le Blog Documentaire : Clean with me (After Dark), Gabrielle Stemmer and Swatted, Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis

Tënk  : Deep Waters, Alice Heit ; Clean with me (After Dark), Gabrielle Stemmer, Int.Anouchka-Nuit, Louise Hansenne and Limbo, Alexander L. Fattal (Mention 2020)

2020 Patrons